Mountain Goat Monument at Upper Onondaga Park:
You’ve run up to give the Goat monument a high five…now you can memorialize your Goat experience on a brick paver! The memorial pavers will mark a path from the park road to the Mountain Goat Monument.
Leave Your Mountain Goat Legacy:
Purchase a paver and have it inscribed with your Goat PR or the date of your first Goat or your favorite Goat; as a gift to your running pal with a special message; or as a memorial to a loved one.
Your Commemorative Goat Paver:
The pavers will be installed in the spring and revealed at the Mountain Goat Hall of Fame Induction on the Friday evening before our Sunday race. Join all of us as we remember all the great runners, volunteers and hall of famers over the years!
Paver Inscription: (3 Line limit up to 14 Characters per line. That includes spaces and punctuation) Write below your order in the open field or send an email to
Purchased pavers (before February 14th) are installed prior to the Mountain Goat Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony in early May. Please contact our email with any questions. ***Paver replacement policy: Any paver that has been vandalized, damaged, or misplaced may be replaced for $20 by the original purchaser showing proof of the original order***
*** Age Group Award Winners*** Use special code emailed to receive your discount!